What Businesses Can Learn from The War Of Attrition Strategy

As a business owner or manager, you may have heard the term "war of attrition" before, but do you know what it means and how it can apply to your organization?

In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of the war of attrition, what it is, and how it can be used to improve the performance of your business.

What is the War of Attrition?

At its core, the war of attrition is a strategy that involves wearing down your opponent through sustained efforts, rather than seeking to achieve a decisive victory in a single battle.

In a military context, this might involve a long-term campaign of small-scale attacks and skirmishes, with the goal of gradually weakening the enemy's forces and resources.

But the war of attrition isn't just a strategy for military conflict; it can also be applied to a variety of other contexts, including business.

In the business world, the war of attrition might involve a company engaging in a sustained campaign to gradually out-compete its rivals, rather than seeking to achieve a quick and decisive victory.

For example, imagine that you own a small coffee shop in a bustling city center.

Your main competitors are two large chains that dominate the local market, but you're determined to succeed.

Rather than trying to compete head-on with these larger companies, you might decide to adopt a war of attrition approach.

This could involve offering a slightly lower price point, providing better customer service, or offering a wider variety of coffee and baked goods.

Over time, these small advantages could add up, gradually eroding the market share of your competitors and building your own business.

The Benefits of the War of Attrition

So why might a business want to adopt a war of attrition approach?

There are several key benefits to this strategy:

  • It allows you to compete against larger rivals: As we saw in the example above, the war of attrition can be a powerful tool for smaller businesses that are looking to compete against larger, more established rivals. By focusing on small, incremental gains, you can gradually chip away at your competitors' market share, without having to engage in a costly and potentially risky direct confrontation.
  • It helps you to build a sustainable competitive advantage: In the fast-paced world of business, it can be difficult to maintain a competitive advantage for any length of time. By adopting a war of attrition approach, you can focus on building sustainable advantages that are difficult for your rivals to replicate. For example, you might invest in employee training and development, or focus on building strong relationships with customers and suppliers. These kinds of advantages can be difficult for your competitors to match, and they can help to ensure that your business remains competitive over the long term.
  • It allows you to avoid costly battles: In the world of business, there are always going to be times when you need to engage in direct competition with your rivals. But these confrontations can be costly, both in terms of money and in terms of the time and energy that you and your team will need to devote to them. By adopting a war of attrition approach, you can avoid these costly battles, and instead focus on building your business in a way that is more sustainable and less risky.
  • It can help to build morale and motivation: It's easy to become discouraged when you're up against larger, more powerful rivals. But the strategy of attrition can be a great way to keep your team motivated and focused. By setting small, achievable goals, and then celebrating each victory along the way, you can create a positive and energizing atmosphere within your organization. This can help to build morale and motivation, and it can make your team more effective in achieving your business objectives.

How to Apply the War of Attrition in Your Business

So now that you know what the war of attrition is and why it can be beneficial for your business, how do you actually go about implementing this strategy? Here are some key steps to follow:

  1. Identify your key rivals: The first step in adopting a war of attrition approach is to identify the companies or individuals that you're competing against. This could be a direct competitor in the same market, or it could be a larger company that is trying to enter your market. By understanding who your rivals are, you can better target your efforts and focus on areas where you can gain an advantage.
  2. Identify your strengths and weaknesses: Once you know who your rivals are, the next step is to assess your own strengths and weaknesses. This will help you to determine where you can gain an advantage, and where you need to focus your efforts in order to improve. For example, you might have a particularly strong customer service team, or you might have a unique product offering that sets you apart from your competitors.
  3. Develop a plan of attack: With a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and of your rivals' strengths and weaknesses, you're ready to develop a plan of attack. This plan should include specific goals and strategies for how you will gradually gain an advantage over your rivals. For example, you might decide to focus on building a loyal customer base, or on offering a wider range of products or services.
  4. Be patient and persistent: One of the key characteristics of the war of attrition is that it takes time. You won't achieve your goals overnight, and you'll need to be patient and persistent in benefit from the results.


In conclusion, the war of attrition is a valuable strategy that can be applied in various contexts, including business.

By adopting this approach, companies can compete against larger rivals, build sustainable competitive advantages, avoid costly battles, and improve morale and motivation within the organization.

To successfully implement this strategy, it's important to identify key rivals, assess their strengths and weaknesses, and develop a plan to gradually out-compete them.

By focusing on small, incremental gains and celebrating each victory along the way, businesses can use the war of attrition to improve their performance and achieve their goals.