How to Respond to a Compliment: Tips and Strategies for Accepting Compliments Graciously and Positively

Receiving a compliment can be a pleasant and uplifting experience, but it can also be a challenge for some people who are not used to accepting compliments or who are uncomfortable with praise.

If you are unsure of how to respond to a compliment, you might feel awkward, embarrassed, or even defensive.

However, learning how to respond to a compliment graciously and positively can have several benefits.

For starters, it can make you feel good about yourself, strengthen your relationships, and improve your social skills.

In this article, we'll explore the concept of responding to a compliment, and provide some tips and strategies for accepting compliments graciously and positively.

Why Responding to a Compliment is Important

Responding to a compliment is important for several reasons. Some of the benefits of responding to a compliment include:

  • Feeling good about yourself. When you receive a compliment, you are likely to feel good about yourself, as the compliment acknowledges and values your skills, achievements, or qualities. Responding to a compliment graciously and positively can reinforce this feeling, and help you feel more confident, proud, and happy.
  • Strengthening relationships. When you receive a compliment, you are also likely to strengthen your relationship with the person who complimented you, as the compliment shows that they appreciate and respect you. Responding to a compliment graciously and positively can show that you value the relationship, and can enhance trust, respect, and affection between you and the other person.
  • Improving social skills. Responding to a compliment is also an opportunity to improve your social skills, as it involves expressing gratitude, humility, and empathy, and avoiding arrogance, entitlement, or defensiveness. By responding to a compliment graciously and positively, you can demonstrate that you are a likeable, respectful, and empathetic person, and can improve your social skills and reputation.

How to Respond to a Compliment Graciously and Positively

To respond to a compliment graciously and positively, you can follow these tips and strategies:

  • Thank the person who complimented you. When you receive a compliment, the first thing you can do is to thank the person who complimented you. This shows that you appreciate the compliment and value the person who gave it. You can say something like "Thank you for the compliment, I really appreciate it" or "Thank you, that means a lot to me".
  • Acknowledge the compliment without arguing or denying it. After thanking the person who complimented you, you can acknowledge the compliment without arguing or denying it. This means accepting the compliment as true and genuine, without trying to downplay it, minimize it, or contradict it. You can say something like "I'm glad you think that, I've worked hard on that" or "Yes, I agree, I think it's a great project".
  • Express gratitude and humility. When you respond to a compliment, you can also express gratitude and humility by thanking the person again and showing that you are not taking the compliment for granted. You can say something like "Thank you again, I'm really grateful for your kind words" or "Thank you, I'm honored and humbled by your compliment".
  • Avoid arrogance and entitlement. When you respond to a compliment, it's important to avoid arrogance and entitlement, which can make you seem arrogant, boastful, or ungrateful. Avoid saying things like "Of course, I'm good at that, I'm the best" or "I deserve that compliment, I always do a great job". These statements can make you seem arrogant and entitled and can turn a compliment into an argument or a criticism.
  • Avoid defensiveness and sarcasm. When you respond to a compliment, it's also important to avoid defensiveness and sarcasm, which can make you seem defensive, insecure, or insincere. Avoid saying things like "Oh, it's nothing, anyone could do it" or "Thanks, I guess I'm not as bad as I thought". These statements can make you seem defensive and sarcastic and can undermine the compliment and the relationship.
  • Give a compliment back. When you respond to a compliment, you can also give a compliment back to the person who complimented you. This can show that you appreciate the compliment, value the relationship, and want to reciprocate the gesture. You can say something like "Thank you, and I have to say, your work is amazing too" or "Thank you, I really admire your skills and achievements".
  • Follow up on the compliment. After responding to a compliment, you can also follow up on the compliment by taking action based on the compliment. For example, if someone complimented your work, you can ask for feedback or suggestions on how to improve it. If someone complimented your appearance, you can thank them and ask for advice on how to maintain it. This can show that you are interested in the compliment, and can lead to further conversations and interactions.


In conclusion, responding to a compliment graciously and positively can have several benefits, such as feeling good about yourself, strengthening relationships, and improving social skills.

To respond to a compliment graciously and positively, you can follow these tips and strategies: thank the person who complimented you, acknowledge the compliment without arguing or denying it, express gratitude and humility, avoid arrogance and entitlement, avoid defensiveness and sarcasm, give a compliment back, and follow up on the compliment.

By implementing these strategies, you can respond to a compliment graciously and positively, and enhance your self-esteem, relationships, and social skills.