Why Business Networking is Important?

Business networking is all about building relationships, sharing business info, and exchanging leads. However, done improperly, this process can lead to wasted time and loss of face. Whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur, it's smart to stay informed and network with others. The rewards can be great!


Achievement closest friend

What is Networking?

Networking is the exchange of information, ideas, or learnings with like-minded individuals or groups of people.

More broadly speaking, it is getting to know other people with shared interests to create a more significant outcome together.

In business specifically, it means establishing a mutual partnership with other companies, potential clients, or existing customers. Networking should be a mutually beneficial relationship.

How does Networking Benefits Businesses?

Networking helps businesses in every step, from starting, expanding, and rebranding to positioning themselves in the industry.

If you are a business owner, having a solid network benefits both the company and customers. You will learn what is needed to improve your product or service from others, as well as how to develop new sales channels through your connections.

Many business owners join business networking groups because you do not only get to meet with potential partners but also your competitors.

As long as you're ready to build and nurture your relationships, a single contact may get you into meetings or interviews with numerous organizations without you having to struggle to form relationships at each one of them.

How Does Networking Benefits Entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs and business people, most of the time, do not throw a party to show off. You shouldn't either because you might only attract people who want to party and probably not the business partners you are looking for.

You throw parties to invite people who you share similar interests with.

You invite them to socialize and to learn from each other. Luncheons are organised among business people to gather ideas and develop solutions.

In doing so, you should not only take ideas, but you must also prepare ideas to share because the aim is to build relationships.

You should not brag about your achievement or show off in the process because no one really cares about how much horsepower is under the hood of your newly bought Ferrari.

Updating and bragging are two different things. Remember, these people can be your professional mentors, and you could also be a mentor to others.

Learning from those who have been in the industry or walked the path is a far a better experience, in my opinion, than perhaps school. because real-life problem solving will help greatly in your business as these are more practical experiences.

How Networking Can Help You Thrive in Your Career?

illustration by Sesame

There are various reasons why people go to Ivy League Universities. Some for prestige, but mostly to build a network. Such institutions represent business networking organizations on their own.

Being with like-minded people has a great effect on you that will, later on, reflect on how you see the world, think, and your work ethics, among others.

Some of the most successful companies are built by a group of people who met in college or university. Though some of them would drop out, they would still be able to see which people have the ethics they want to work in their company.

Professional networking does not end in joining fraternities or clubs during college.

It even becomes stronger after college; now, you know different people in different industries and geographies, making you virtually connected to millions of people.

Importance of Workplace Networking

Illustration by Oleksandr Pupko

Your employment is a prominent area to expand your network. These kinds of connections may help you land a job, get mentorship, and get hands-on training.

Get to know your coworkers, and you may find that they may help you develop in your present position or move to a new one they are invested in you.

Supervisors can send letters of reference on your behalf, managers can offer you inside information on an available position, and former colleagues can suggest you to their new employers.

Reach out to your coworkers and learn about their professional backgrounds, responsibilities at work, and aspirations for the future.

The more you get to know them, the more you learn about how they may help and benefit you.

Several factors contribute to career growth, including education, work experience, and prospects for progression in their current position; however, one of the best ways to speed up your professional progress and open up new prospects is networking.

As a professional, career growth is essential, and leveraging your business network may be a helpful tool. You may improve your knowledge and abilities as a professional by keeping in touch with people who operate in various industries and at different levels of authority.

Staying active and engaged in your community might lead to great opportunities in the future. When it comes to changing careers, your network is by far your most effective resource.

Even if you don't see yourself making a job move shortly, it's always a good idea to keep your network active. Maintaining tight ties with your network is the best bet if you ever find yourself in a position where you need to shift jobs rapidly.

You will be able to tap into your professional network's resources more readily if you make systematic efforts to build maintain your business relationships.

How to Build Your Network?

Illustration by Vladimir Kononok

As an entrepreneur, it's crucial to embrace learning from diverse communities, rather than limiting yourself to a single group of entrepreneurs. There are valuable practices to be gleaned from various industries that can positively impact your business. For instance, even if you run a furniture business, learning from the technology sector can be beneficial.

As the world evolves, understanding different business disciplines will contribute to your growth as an entrepreneur and help your business thrive. Business networking can take various forms, ranging from local connections to expanding your reach globally, whether in-person or virtually through technology.

When establishing your network, come prepared with essential information about yourself, your business, and your objectives for the meeting. Investing in business cards is a wise decision, as they facilitate sharing contact information and promoting your business.

When meeting others for the first time, keep your introduction concise, providing relevant information within about a minute. Allow others to speak about themselves, listen attentively, and ask thoughtful questions. Remember, it's okay to move on if a connection isn't a good fit.

When discussing your business, avoid sounding overly rehearsed. Building a network is invaluable, but maintaining it is even more rewarding. Entrepreneurs and business professionals often attend events and seminars; make an effort to maintain relationships with the people you meet.

Sustaining a strong relationship involves regular communication and adding value to your connections. Both parties should benefit from the relationship. In business, it's essential to genuinely value others, as they represent the true assets.

Documenting the profiles of your connections and the knowledge you acquire from them is a good practice, providing a useful reference for the future.

What Are The Best Practices in Networking?

Illustration by Master Sergeant
Networking success relies on many factors but the most important is to be genuine.

Nobody would want to talk to someone looking grumpy or confused. Practice a good smile in front of the mirror, yes practice; that's called intentionally building your brand.

Have an articulated, simple, and fun introduction. The introduction should show confidence. Most importantly, it must contain good information.

You should know yourself and what you want them to know about yourself as truthfully as possible.

Do not try to bend reality and twist your personality to attract people. That's wrong and will severely hurt you.

Not only will you build a strong a genuine connection, but you would have made it sustain itself.

When in any event, you should consider starting the talk by sharing your hobbies.

Hobbies can make a great connection. Those who had read the same book, played the same sport, supported the same team, the list goes on.

When you talk about what you are passionate about, it makes people comfortable.

When you start having a conversation about your business, do not brag about it. Give them information about your business, invite them to invest, but do not force them to do so.

Business people, especially investors, do not want to be forced to take on a company they do not have an interest in.

When you have established a good conversation, you can slip in a conversation asking for their contact info.

Go for good quality over quantity. You do not need the business card of everyone in the room.

You can have the contact information of the people you are comfortable talking with and can add value to your business.

When you are joining a business networking group or business networking events, always listen. Let them talk. Do not interrupt them. If you do, make sure you are asking a relevant question.

Make sure it is thought-provoking.

So let them talk, and you listen. Take the good points and apply them to your business. The most prosperous business people are the ones who listen. They welcome the ideas of others— listen to suggestions without ego getting in the way.

Human connections are powerful. Genuine connection with other people for a beneficial outcome for both parties is what effective networking seeks to achieve. Your network, be it in business or otherwise, has the power to make what was "impossible" or out of reach a reality.