Building Trust: How To Connect With Your Customers?

The company can achieve this goal by developing strategies that enable them to gain customer information. This move enables the corporation to create customer-tailored experiences.

Even so, a brand or business has to ensure that consumer information is well protected to It’s basic knowledge that trust is a key component of any relationship. As a brand or a business, it is fundamental to understand that earning consumer trust takes time and work.

To build trust, a company has to demonstrate an ability to tap into human experience and build an emotional connection with its consumers— by displaying transparency, sensitivity, honesty, and dependability.

It is clear that consumer trust correlates with how consumers feel rather than how they think!

A trustworthy relationship with customers stems from understanding and solving the problems of one’s consumer base. Let’s delve into some simple techniques that  help to increase trust and make your customers feel more connected to what they are purchasing.

Keep It Personal, Not Transactional.

The customer is not; a transaction, number, statistic or dollar sign— they are a person! It is important to keep this in mind when building brand trust because it helps you focus on the human element of your business, rather than focusing solely on the transaction.

When you are interacting with someone who trusts and respects you enough to purchase from your company or service, it should feel personal for both parties involved—not transactional. Good relationships take time to build, but once they're established, they can last forever if handled properly.

The Human Touch...Empathy

As we’ve established, the internet has transformed the way we interact with one another. Nevertheless there are still aspects such as body language that are often lost when using online services . Your actions don’t always translate to your customers' screens as easily as you might think, so don’t rely solely on emails or social media for customer engagement. Instead, focus on face-to-face interactions!

In fact, In a study done by Lee et al. (2011), researchers found that face-to-face communication is more likely to lead to an enhanced quality of life than internet communication.

People who engaged in face-to-face interactions were more likely to form a connection with their customer service representative and be satisfied with their experience overall than those who used other methods of communication (such as email).

It's much easier to build trust when you're able to make eye contact and use body language as part of your interaction.

The personal touch can go a long way toward establishing brand loyalty among customers who feel valued enough by members of your staff that they feel comfortable telling them about their concerns or needs without feeling overwhelmed or ignored by an impersonal system like filing a complaint online instead of calling someone directly.

Make Sure Your Brand Is Consistent

Consistency is key. Every time you take a step in the wrong direction, it costs you.

It's not easy to be consistent, but it's worth it. If you're trying to build trust with your customers and they see that you're not consistent with your brand or product, they'll lose trust in your company.

We often think that being consistent means always providing the same level of service or quality every single time—and while this is true, sometimes being consistent means just doing your best every time without failing and making sure you're always there when someone needs you.

Customers Want To Feel Connected To The Product Or Service They're Buying

When you're buying a product or service, you want to feel like you're getting the best deal possible. But when you're shopping online, it's hard to know whether what you're seeing is real.

You want to be able to trust that the company selling the product or service will be around if there's a problem or if something goes wrong—and that they'll treat your needs fairly and with respect.

Customers will be more likely to trust a brand if they feel connected with the product or service—a cohesive message delivered consistently through various channels will build their trust in your brand.


As a brand, you have to create great connections with your consumers as you would with your friends or family. Therefore, consumer trust is determined by an organization’s ability to develop emotional connections with their consumer, instead of transactional ones.

In fact, in the era of the consumer, failing to apply sensitivity and respect when dealing with consumers is likely to push them away.

Apply the tactics above to build and maintain trust with your consumer throughout the whole customer cycle.

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